Tuesday, January 30, 2007


How do we know the difference between what is real and what is not real? if we have been lied to long enough, would we not believe what is actually not true to be as such? doesn't the body and mind know? some believe that it is the soul that always knows when we are being lied to. But until the conscious mind finds out, only then is it a lie. But does that mean that beforehand it wasn't? How about if other people know. But that is their perspective, how do they know that they are right? Or perhaps on a long enough time line the self-fulfilling prophecy would effect what it is we are pondering.. and then reality becomes a point in time. but does that mean that what was before and perhaps after that point was and will not be real? Or if one truly believes in something, isn't it real to them? How do you decide whose perspective is more real than another person's? Reality is just perspective, isn't it? Maybe "reality" is generally accepted as the popular idea of this. But what if the majority is wrong. Or maybe they just don't see the whole picture.


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