New Rose
We played UNH the other night with Piebald, Can't Face The Falling, and Call Her Alaska. The show was so full of positive energy that we ended having such an incredible time. It is really great playing in front of people that have never seen or heard of you before, there is a certain magic to it, a certain tension that makes you want to create something for them that they have never seen before, whether they despise the music that we make or are immediate is special. The show was filled with sweat, snot, and spit... and ended up being completely insane toward the finale. Somewhere between the time i flipped michelle onto her back and our drunken friends screaming in everybody's faces, I thought to myself, "damn, there really isn't anything i'd rather be doing right now." Thank the stars for rock n' roll.
we are playing a bunch of shows coming should come out.